Stories are an integral part of us. Right from the childhood stories to incidents and occasions that have been narrated to us by people around, we have been attracted to these stories and have shaped us to be what we are.
India Story Project also called ISP, as the name suggests is a platform which captures inspirational developments and thoughts around us in a story format. We are trying to archive and share stories of success and making of India. With the help of our contributors worldwide, we are assembling the unbroken saga of a growing nation. Social changes, innovations, livelihood, education, farmlands, science and many more facets of our living need to be documented and appreciated. It’s a project which attempts to do so. We seek to bring to light those faces and unknown elements from the ground which strive on with tenacity and vigour in difficult circumstances. We seek to build a tangible platform for change makers and institutions to communicate their positive stride. We seek everyone’s participation to celebrate the India Story.
बात इंडिया स्टोरी प्रोजेक्ट की
इंडिया स्टोरी प्रोजेक्ट भी कहानियों का ही मंच है। इस मंच पर हम ऐसी कहानियों को लेकर आ रहे हैं जो हमें जीने की नई राह दिखाएंगी, प्रेरणा का शक्ति पुंज बनेगी। इस मंच पर हम आपके सहयोग से ऐसी सकारात्मक कहानियों को लेकर आएंगे जो बदलते भारत की तस्वीर दिखाएंगी। ये बदलाव सामाजिक हो सकता है, शिक्षा और रोज़गार का हो सकता है, कृषि से जुड़ा हो सकता है, यानी हमारे मंच पर कहानियों के लिए कोई बंधन नहीं है। हमारा मक़सद ऐसी कहानियों और उनके किरदारों को दुनिया के सामने लाना है जो बिल्कुल ज़मीनी स्तर पर अपने दम पर बदलाव लाने में जुटे हैं। हम इन प्रेरणादायी कहानियों को देश ही नहीं दुनिया तक पहुंचाना चाहते हैं ताकि लोग भी ऐसे बदलाव के ना केवल साक्षी बनें बल्कि उसका हिस्सा भी बनें।
Aakash Arun
Founder & CEO
Aakash Arun is a renowned & award winning documentary filmmaker , storyteller. He loves to travel and explore new ideas, people and culture to work upon. He focuses on social issues in his works. All his works tell the stories of social changes on a broader level. He has travelled the whole country and made a successful travel documentary series, Fairs of India. He is now involved in making many inspirational video campaigns in collaboration with several national level organizations.
Sourab Biswas
Co-Founder, Senior brand Designer
Storytelling is an ancient art form. Sourab, a self-taught visual designer, was born & brought up in Calcutta. He loves to design brand identities for new startups and telling their stories through his designs. He worked for ‘FIFA U-17 Worldcup 2017 India’ as a lead designer. He was design consultant for NDLI (National Digital Library of India, an IIT initiative) and worked for many renowned brands like ITC, Tata, IIT etc. In his spare time he watches films, does photography, reads books and travels. Being a storyteller he has joined ISP as a senior brand designer and also the co-founder.
Sushant Singh
Full-Stake Developer
Sushant Singh, an IT professional, a web developer, a graphic designer. He is extremely passionate about his work. He has 8 years of experience in this field. He has also worked with some reputed national level news agencies, NGOs, community radios, film production house, travel agencies, Govt organizations and many more. He is a talented individual always searching for perfection in his work.